Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Random Thoughts!!!

I sometimes think that living is an entirely futile exercise cause everbody who is living will die. So have the people who came before us. It is like a production factory of babies, who will undergo more or less the same phases of life and face difficulties and be happy accordingly. could I find a person or a life of a person who must have lived before me just like me, So that I could follow exactly what he did when he was successful and abstain everything that he did wrong in hhis life. I am sure many in the world must have gone by almost like me, in nature and disposition.Is life a foolish persuit or a meaningful journey. Nevertheless women are a nice thing that God made. Without them I think everthing would be lifeless!!!!!!!!!!These are some random thoughts,i am not favoring or disfavoring anyone gender, just random thoughts when my mind is empty or angry over something i dont know....

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