I Prefer :
* rice over bread
* love over money
* personality over appearance
* appearance over money..
* candlelit dinners
* thai over chinese (food! wotelse?)
* lebanese over thai
* GOA above anything Else
* ROCK Moozic- Metallica RUlez \m/
* California over anywhere else in the world (God!! when will i be there?? )
* friends over girl friends /wife etc etc etc
* complications over smooth sailing mundane mumbo jumbo
* creativity over functionality
* principles over success
* Pepsi over Coke!! any day!
* cooking
* reading over music
* music over playing Comp Games
* mind over matter (couldn't resist that one)
you're my favorite because..
* comic strip: Hagar the Horrible
* destination: Dharamshala-- Himachal Pradesh
* poem: u've read already
* book 1: The FOUNTAINHEAD
* book 2: wuthering heights! sweeter memories go with this one!
* song: zara zara / I'll be there for U - Bon Jovi / Baby I Love U to want me --LOBO
* wisdom: this too will change / in the end, everything happens for the best
* pastime: chatting / reading / and more recently : blogging :D
if i could:
* i'd dance all night to that's amore
* sleep under the stars every weekend
* disappear for a week every year
* dive off a really high cliff
* kick every jerk that cuts in front of me on the road
* run a marathon of Alicia Silverstone movies *sigh*
* followed by 10 hrs of Alfred Hitchcock
* swim in a reef
* cook all my favorite dishes in one day and binge!
* go back in time and make all the mistakes all over again
* sing myself hoarse
* give crank calls to my first crush *sigh*
* get the number for my first crush
* plan a month long vacation with all my friends! *muah* i love you all :)
* make life hell for all the Biology professors on this planet!
* and math while im at it!
* take a road trip!
* rent a z4 and take a road trip!
* hold on tight to my mom
* get my gold fish back. i miss you!
* i'd be obnoxious - just to know wot it's really like!
* care a damn and do all these things before im dead and gone
To underrated adulthood friendships
I had started writing this blog guess a decade or more back because of the
motivation of one of my friend and now after a decade I have been wanting
to g...
1 month ago